Be Kind. Make a Difference.

Tag : well-being

Kindness Workshop in Ottawa - Feb 8, 2017

Building Blocks for Mental Health at Work Series

Kind Canada is partnering with Ottawa Public Health in their Building Blocks for Mental Health at Work Series. Kind Canada will lead a one hour workshop on the health benefits of kindness in the workplace within the Civility and Respect and Organizational Culture workshop on Feb 8, 2017 

Civility and Respect & Organizational Culture

Wednesday, Feb 8, 8:o0 am -12:00 pm

Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview Rd

  • A civil and respectful workplace can make a difference and create a positive work environment.   Learn how to create this atmosphere in your workplace.
  • Organizational culture can set the stage for improved work relations and harmony. Learn practical tips and resources to address it in your workplace. 
  • Consider the impact of kindness and how you can help it flourish in your workplace in order to improve engagement and productivity, and reduce stress and absentism.  This part will be lead by Kind Canada Généreux. 

Ottawa Public Health has created a series of workshops to help workplaces move along their journey to implementation of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.  Each workshop will take a closer look at two of the 13 factors that are the building blocks for a mentally healthy and safe workplace.  Participants can go to all of the workshops or can attend only those that address the factors of most interest to them and their workplace.

Register here

Limited to 50 participants

Workshop is offered in English only. Resources will be available in English and French.